Creating a joy-filled life starts with assessing your clothing

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February is a perfect month to assess your clothing and create the clothing scenario of your dreams! By now, you could be getting tired of bulky wintery clothes. Maybe you’re dreaming of light, comfortable clothing that you can enjoy in warmer weather. No matter how you feel about your clothing, this is a great time to look at every article of clothing you own and judge -with your heart -whether each piece brings you joy.  The point of this exercise is NOT about clearing out your closet just for the sake of it. It’s about creating a joy-filled life for yourself, starting with your clothing, and keeping only those possessions that make you feel happy. 

To start, gather all your shirts together, from every corner of your home, and one at a time- hold each in your hand. Ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?”  Do you want to move this shirt into your future?  If the answer is yes, then put it aside and pick up the next piece. If the answer is no, then thank the article of clothing for the lesson it taught you and put it in a bag to be donated. 

Go through the same process with your pants, coats, dresses, bags, scarves, shoes. Collect all the same category together in one space and assess.  Thank. Put aside. Go to the next category. Collect. Assess. Thank. Put aside.  

After you’ve made decisions on all your clothing, neatly store them back in their drawer, shelf or hanger.  It’s likely your closet will be roomier after this exercise. And you will begin to feel the joy of living with clothes that bring you happiness!

Madeline Darrell