You decided what clothes to give away. Now what…


After deciding which clothing you love and want to keep, the next question is what to do with those clothes you no longer want.  Most unwanted clothing falls into four categories:

#1:  Trash - if the article of clothing is completely worn out, toss them in the trash. Underpants get trashed but bras can get donated. Try a local homeless shelter or this site which accepts gently used bras.

#2: Gift- give your clothes to someone you know would appreciate your offering. 

#3: Consignment - if you have amazing clothes in absolutely perfect shape with no stains, or in any way damaged, AND have been recently cleaned, then it is possible to make an appointment to talk to a quality consignment store about selling your clothes. If they are accepted, be sure to read the small print on your consignment agreement. Clothes not sold within a certain period of time get discounted. If it has been sold, follow up to be sure you receive your check. Be warned that since the pandemic, most people have felt compelled to clear out their closets, thus creating a glut in the market.  Consignment store are extremely picky on what they will accept, even with designer duds. Try ReDeux or Love Me Two Times

#4: - Donation. As the old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  Donation centers are slowly opening back up.  Find a local donation center whose mission best align with your values.  Here are but a few suggestions:

Madeline Darrell