To Avoid Decision Fatigue Develop your Decision Muscle

One of the muscles we need to develop is what I call our “Decision Muscle.” The Decision Muscle is the intuitive answer we hear when we consider whether to keep an object in our lives or move it out of our lives. Call it your gut, your third eye or listening to your heart. It’s that instant, often ignored feeling that tells us the truth about whether to keep an object in our life.

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Madeline Darrell
The Green Way to clear out your medicine cabinet

With spring on the mind, a lot of us have begun clearing out the old to make room for the new. We take bags of outgrown clothing to donation centers (or at least banish them to the trunks of our cars), list furniture on Nextdoor, shred all the last bits of our “I may need this someday” mail, but what on Earth are we supposed to do with the junk filling up our medicine cabinets?

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Madeline Darrell
Organizing Leads to a happier life

Piles of laundry and endless To Dos are exhausting, but they can actually mess with allaspects of your life-not just your daily schedule or orderly home. "At the end of the day, being organized is about having more time for yourself, and enabling you to live a more balanced life," says Eva Selhub, M.D., author of Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Illness, Feel Better, and Live Longer. Clearing away the clutter can help you make healthier choices, improve your relationships, and even boost your workout.

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Madeline Darrell