How the KonMari Method changed my life.


I recently attended a Marie Kondo Consultation Certification Course in Brooklyn, New York and I am ALL IN!  To tell the truth, I drank the Kool-Aid years before when reading her book, The Magical Art of Tidying Up.  The books and KonMari Method proved to be so enlightening and transformative that I wanted to become a consultant so I could help others feel this same sense of joy.   The KonMari Method encourages tidying and keeping only those things that bring joy while discarding the rest. This process places great importance on being mindful, introspective, imaginative and forward-thinking. For example, while going through my wardrobe, I came across a winter coat I had not worn in years. I had to ask myself these questions: Do I want to drag this coat with me into the future? Does it give me a jolt of joy every time I wear it? Do I want to clutter up my future with something that does not bring me joy?

The KonMari Method advises these rules for a Tidying Festival:

Rule 1: Commit yourself to tidying up.

Rule 2: Imagine your ideal lifestyle. Make a picture-board of how you want to live.

Rule 3: Finish discarding first. 

Rule 4: Tidy by category, not by location.

Rule 5: Tidy in the correct sequence.

Rule 6: Ask yourself if it sparks joy. If not, thank it and let it go!

I am a proud KonMari Consultant Trainee and I am able to guide others in their own Tidying Festivals. My contact number is 443-823-9792. Let’s start 2020 with joy!

Madeline Darrell