Let the fresh air in!

Organizing and downsizing are really two sides of the same coin. When we get organized, whether mentally, emotionally, or with our belongings, we make decisions that enable fresh air to enter our lives.  We decide that we CAN live without that ratty old bathrobe that’s been hiding in the back of the closet. We CAN turn off the television a few nights a week.  We CAN find new homes for all those shoes that hurt our feet. We CAN forgive that person who’s slighted us. We CAN reduce the mountain of dishes we never use and still cook a fine meal. We CAN do way more, with way less, than we ever imagined. We’re all about fresh starts at Maryland Move Managers. Whenever we get organized, we automatically start the process of opening- up space in our lives.  It’s freeing!  

Madeline Darrell